Mischa is rocking a Christina Brampti multirow mesh necklace.

Nannette is wearing Sandrine Giraud

Gina is wearing Antares Venetia

Sarmistha looks fabulous in Christina Brampti

Ingeborg is a natural in Laurent Guillot

Nancy is not afraid of colors and Christina Brampti either.
Like John Lennon, all Ana needs is love and Samuel Coraux agrees.

Cathy, you look so good in Laurent Guillot! Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Nanette is glowing in her fabulous jacket and her Sandrine Giraud Ceti. Happy Birthday to you!

Orly is wearing Christina Brampti and she looks great!

Florence is wearing one of Laurent Guillot's latest creations; it is spectacular!
Sarmistha loves her XXL earrings from Christina Brampti, and truthfully, they were made for her.

Ana has fallen in love with Laurent Guillot.

Kay loves her IKUMI from Samuel Coraux. I am so glad we were able to fix it for her.
Sarmistha, lovelier than ever, wearing Christina Brampti

Azucena lost in good thoughts while wearing Christina Brampti.

Ovid said "It is the simple elegance that charms us"; Frederique epitomizes his belief with this Christina Brampti design...

and that one too.

and this one as well.
Monica LOVES Laurent Guillot!

Nannette has found her style with Sandrine Giraud and the dramatic Volute design in red suits her to perfection.

It seems that Samuel Coraux's design JUST THERE was made for Florence.

Our very own rock star Mischa found the perfect boots to pair with the Christina Brampti choker - or maybe the choker mandated the boots.

Susan is welcoming Spring with a fresh look from Christina Brampti
Jane epitomizes Coeur de Lion's adage that states that simplicity is the most powerful expression of elegance.